Be A Volunteer
St. Joseph’s Health is fortunate to have a dedicated team of volunteers who — along with members of the Auxiliary of St. Joseph’s Health Hospital — number more than 500 men, women and teens.
St Joseph’s Health Volunteer Services Program provides persons who are at least 14 years old, and who wish to donate their time and actively engage in community services, an opportunity to provide support St Joseph’s mission. The Volunteer Services Program offers persons the chance to make a lasting and important contribution to hospital care and to the St Joseph’s Health reputation within the community.
St. Joseph’s Health welcomes volunteers who meet the following requirements that are intended to protect the health, well-being and confidentiality of our patients.
Background Check
Employee Health Screening
At least 14 years of age
Adults and College Students
Adults and College Students are placed in different areas of our health system based on skills, interests and availability. If interested, please call the Volunteer Services at (315)448-5186 to set up an appointment for an interview.
Teen program for 2025 is full.
Volunteer Crafters
Crafters (knit, crochet, sew) that are looking to put their creative talents to use for our patients. You may to use any pattern you like or call/email (315)448-5186/ and we can send you some patterns.
- Baby hats
- Booties
- Lap robes
- All colors
- Red, White and Blue for patients that are Veterans
- Hats and scarves
- Prayer Squares
- Eye Glass Cases
No shadowing or internships are placed through Volunteer Services.
Our program does not accommodate job shadowing, internships, or court ordered service.